28 december 2010

A Shadow Over Burrum Heads

I'm really sorry to keep telling about the weather all the time, but it's almost the only thing happening right now.
It feels like we're now trapped in a H.P. Lovecraft story where a small seaside town is cut off from the outside world.
All the roads from and to this town have been cut off. It was that roads in-and-around flood-prone rivers (like the rivers around here) were being cut but now it has been raining for so long there's just nowhere for the water to go even if you are not near a river. Some towns around here have been declared disaster area's, but we're luckily not one of 'em yet.

Today on the way to the pub I spotted my first kangaroo in town, but I guess he'll be eaten by a shark if the rain keeps up like this. And according to the weather forecasts, that is what we're getting.
I'm going to australia and I'll bring: Umbrella, boat and personal floating device. Now, normally, those would not be my first choices in that game. But I seem to have brought some true dutch weather to Australia, making it the wettest December in 67 years

Like I wrote in my last post, Christmas was fun. We had a good bbq, nice food, good company and some nice presents.
I got my very own fishing rod, so I will be able to catch my own lunch. Sport-fishing is not real big here. You eat what you catch, and I'm fine with that. Never really liked the fishing where you throw the fish back in the water.
Also I got some nice chocolate, a dvd-player (combined gift with Kat) and my very own stubby-cooler, to keep the drinks cool in warm weather.

One nice thing is that I won the weekly 'pot-draw' in the local pub. So Dutchie just won 80 pots of beer in his 3rd week here, while some people never won it in 6 years. I feel a little bit embarrassed, but at least I don't have to pay for my drinks for a long time.

I tried quite a few of the beers here, and I think it's safe to say Australia is not a real beer-country. They drink it A LOT, but taste-wise it's not that good. From the 8 pilsners / lagers I've now tasted, the only one that's drinkable would be the XXXX Bitter.
But Kat's dad brews his own beer and I've had some awesome tastes from the micro-brewery in the shed. Also the red wine and port being made in the shed are just awesome. The red port really had to be the best port I've tasted in my life.
Well, that's about all for today.

G'day, mates!

1 opmerking:

  1. Lieve Chiel,
    Australiƫ is ook bij ons dagelijks in het nieuws vanwege het extreme weer en de consequenties daarvan. Zijn er bij jullie ook problemen met de aanvoer van voorraden, zoals voeding en dergelijke?
    In Nederland is de dooi voorzichtig ingetreden, maar we rekenen ons nog niet rijk. 's Nachts vriest het nog steeds een paar graden, dus de sneeuw ligt er nog steeds. Afgelopen vrijdag waren er veel ongelukken door ijzel.
    Andere problemen dus dan bij jullie, maar toch ook niet fijn.Van mij mag morgen de zomer beginnen.
