08 december 2010

The First Days

After a long, 2 day trip in the wrong direction, I'm feeling this thing called 'jet-lag'. First I was wondering if the gravitation is just heavier on the other side of the planet, but after some googling and wikipedia I found out that was not the case ;)

I took some pictures on the way from the place where we left (Leiden, -3ºC, covered in snow, having a blizzard) to London (0ºC, fog and rain... what else) to Singapore (27ºC and humid) and then Brisbane (22ºC, storm and rain)

But as of yet, I have not been able to find my usb to sony-ericsson cable, so I still have to get and post them at a later date.

The weather is better now and I have been sitting outside with coffee and a book today, at Angela's house, watching the beautiful butterflies and listening to the Noisy Miner, who really deserves it's name.

Today took the first steps at living here, so I now have an Australian bank account and medicare, Australia's universal health care program.

It has been quite a busy day in the house here, and since there was no-one to cook dinner, I introduced a few people to good old dutch hutspot already :-)

Now I'm going to call my mom for her birthday and promise myself to update this blog and keep you informed.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Lieve Chiel,
    Ik was erg blij met je telefoontje. Zo ben je voor mijn gevoel toch een beetje dichtbij.
    Liefs, Emmy

  2. Hoi Chiel,

    tof! Ik ga je volgen. Jammer genoeg niet op jullie afscheidsfeest, iets te moe nog met de kleine, maar echt geweldig dat jullie samen de stap hebben genomen!
