03 januari 2011

A New Year

One of the roads in Burrum Heads
It's a new year and the weather has changed in Burrum Heads, while some parts in the area have snakes and crocodiles swimming in the streets (and no, this is no joke) we're having sunshine and 34 degrees.

So the next days we're going to explore more around. Kat and I both want to start the year right and are going on daily walks through and around the village. We're starting off slow, but the walks will be longer and more beautiful when we get into it. Funny thing I noticed is that around this area, there are no pavements. Sidewalks are grass, so I always have the feeling we're walking through people's yards, but apparently, we're not.
Pepe and Precious

We usually take the two dogs Pepe (named after Pepé Le Pew) and Precious with us.
It's really nice to walk around here, but for the rest the town is quiet. The real social place to be are the local Pub and the community hall.

Kat and I will both be trying to get a job in Burrum Heads Pub and Hotel/Motel asap. Kat got her Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) last week so she will be able to work in a Liquor Licensed and Gambling premises anywhere in Queensland.

The gambling is actually really necessary here. All the pubs, great and small, have a huge amount of pokies (slot machines), kino and all different kinds of gambling around. You're able to bet on almost anything you want.

In the meantime I have been busy with genealogy and hope to get some work with that around here as well.

Our Front Yard
We celebrated New Years Eve in the pub as well and it was crowded. Everyone from all around the area and all the people staying at the camping parks around here were there. There were almost no fireworks though. Fireworks are outlawed in most of Australia and you need a special pyrotechnic license to use them. I know some of you would find that heaven, but I missed the big colors and explosions in the sky at midnight. (People who want to sign a petition to legalize fireworks in Australia: click here)
At midnight we celebrated the new year and Kat's birthday and had a great evening. Met some great people from Maryborough with a starting band in need of a drummer, so who knows. Every Beatles needs a Ringo.

Well, the next couple of days Kat and I will be getting out more and do more. Finally the weather is good, so expect more pictures and more stories soon

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