09 december 2010

Short Drive Trough Brisbane

This morning we were going to pick up 'some' clothes at Kat's old apartment. And some is in brackets, ' cause we took over 2 suitcases of clothes back ;-)
I was able to meet 2 nice people, Elveric and Nate, who were her old housemates.

The drive there was really interesting, to see how Brisbane is built up. The city consists of 1 big downtown center and dozens and dozens of suburbs. The suburbs are nice to look at with a lot of big and small wooden houses, really late 19th and early 20th century. Houses that reminded me, strangely enough, of the houses I saw in the Baltic States like Estonia.

Downtown Brisbane was a world apart, from what I've seen from the car it's a combination of 18th and 19th century houses, right next to big skyscrapers, next to an old abandoned church, next to a park with another skyscraper in the middle. And lots of iron-lace.
It's really hilly, so from the car I could see quite a few miles, when we were on top of one again

This is a city a would really like to explore soon. Wander around, see it all and admire
But in a few moments an old friend of Kat is coming over, one that I've met before in the Netherlands, so a lot of catching up to do and she's going to give me the tourist places to go around here :D

Then tonight we're going over to Shantelle and Justin, also 2 old friends of Kat who I had the pleasure to meet. Really nice people around here, I've met so far.

Well, soon I'll go out and discover more, but the temperature just hit 28ÂșC, the airco broke down yesterday, and this kind of weather is going to take a bit of getting used to for me.

Still no usb to sony-ericsson cable available, so if anyone in brisbane has one spare, I would be really grateful if I could borrow it. :)

1 opmerking:

  1. hoi wat leuk dat je ons op deze manier op de hoogte houd van je eerste tijd daar en hoop ook de aankomende tijd en misschien ook wel de laatste tijd ha ha... en ook fijn van die really nice people over there ofnie? misschien zal je in loop der tijd wel wennen aan die temparaturen,en hopen dat die airco het weer snel zal doen!nou ik ga maar weer eens verder,groetjes daar en do 't heenig an doar!
    ps ik ga zelf hoop ik in dit weekend voor het eerst in saturnisstraat slapen dus ook klein beetje spannend ha ha....tot gauw!!!!
