20 december 2010

Clear Skies But More Rain To Come

It has now been a week in Burrum Heads and already experienced quite a lot in just a little town. And most had to do with the weather. I have witnessed some amazing storms with an amount of lightning I've never seen before.
And besides the lightnings, floodings and landslides we also witnessed quite some power-outs.
Right now we have clear skies for a few moments, but according to weather reports, we haven't seen the end of it.
Our House in better weather

Life in Australia is nice and pretty easy-going. People are not so rushed and a lot of life is based around pub-life. It's not unusual to meet your friends in the pub at 11 'o clock in the morning, from what I've seen.

Since my parents blessed me with an international pronounceable name, from day 3 in the Australia I have been nicknamed 'dutchie,' and now that name is being used in the local pub as well.
Only deal is that I now need to learn to react to that name ;-)

Another thing I found out is that Christmas is really big here. People are talking about it months beforehand, who to invite, what to cook, where to play the traditional Christmas-day backyard cricket, where to watch the boxing-day cricketmatch, where to put the shrimps on the barbie, where to buy the ham and so forth.
We will be celebrating it in Burrum Heads with a large part of Kat's family in the backyard and entertainment area.
Boxing day (2nd Christmas Day in  the Netherlands) is a sports filled day here, with 2 major events: the cricket and the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.

"And oh, how pleased his lordship was, and how he smiled to say,
'That's good, my boy. Come tell me now; and what is Christmas Day?'
The ready answer bared a fact no bishop ever knew -
'It's the day before the races out at Tangmalangmaloo.' "

1 opmerking:

  1. Ha, Dutchie! Is dat niet ook de naam van een stickie? Misschien kunnen ze je dan toch beter Tukkeroo noemen.
    Fascinerend wel, je verhalen over die heftige tropische buien. Bij ons is er nog meer sneeuw gevallen. Het ziet er prachtig uit, maar zorgt wel voor veel overlast in heel Europa. Je hebt geluk gehad dat jullie vliegreis wel door kon gaan.
    Leuk dat je een foto van jullie huis hebt geplaatst. Zo krijgen we steeds meer een beeld van je nieuwe stek.
    Liefs, ook van Eric
