18 januari 2011

Everyday is like Sunday

Beach 2 weeks ago
Another small report from a rainy Burrum Heads.
The last couple of days have not been quite eventful. Either it's too wet to go outside or it's really warm and humid. Normally in the day I get up at about 7 'o clock, grab some coffee, see the morning news on the computer and I'll do some genealogy, for Kat's family or Kat's uncle. Eat, drink, go the pub for an hour and then some reading. Finished Huxley's Brave New World and now I'm plundering John's (Kats dad) bookcase and started reading Cell by Stephen King. The slow days are good for my goal to finish the BBC's Big Read before I die.
Kats picture of the frog
The nice thing about sitting outside in the breeze is also, that you can see some amazing animals around. Besides the annoying Cane Toads (Bufo Marinus - Buf voor Intimi) which are destroying the country, we see a lot of gecko's which can make a hell of noise for a small animal. When you think that there's a big bird inside in the middle of the night, it usually is a gecko.
Also sometimes we see the green tree-frog, beautiful birds (like the kookaburra), spiders and butterflies, all of which we're trying to take some good pictures of.
Soldier Crab Army
This morning Kat and I went on a little ride on our tandem to the beach. The weather was already 32 degrees at 10 in the morning, that the beach was the only reasonable place to go. Unfortunately it was low tide, so we had to walk at least half a kilometer to get in deeper water. Very fun was watching the THOUSANDS (literally) of soldier crabs running around. It's a big black army (hence the name) running over the beach and when you come close, they dig themselves in the sand.
Soldier Crab
We had a good time in the warm water and left just in time when the new thunderclouds rolled in, 'cause now its showering again.
From a soggy soils of Queensland, we wish you good days :-)

And here are some more pictures Kat and I took over the last few days.
More Army
Kat Today

Me on the tandem

St. Andrews Cross Spider

Kookaburra in the park

The Beach

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooie foto's! En wat zijn jullie sportief, ondanks de hitte.
    Is het water rondom Burrum Heads inmiddels gezakt, en jullie actieradius dan weer wat groter?
    Lieve groet van ons beiden voor jullie twee!

  2. annette roeland23 jan 2011, 23:57:00

    greetings from annette and piet from neede.
    hallo tukkeroo,dutchy or chiel & kathryn!
    with interesting we read your e-mail and thanks for the beautiful pictures from burrum heads.
    we saw also the green frogs,the st.andrews cross spider, the kookaburra,the long long beach with
    coral,the soldier crabs and so on.
    one month ago my brother arnold & bertie visit
    fraser island and it was raining cats and dogs.
    1th of july we are coming to australia too and first we are going to holgate in nsw.
    we enjoy coming to the very exclusive country.
    the weather in holland is good,not tot hot and not to cold.chiel,I can see you are the son from eric,look like your father!
    have fun and keep well kathryn & chiel , bye bye.annette roeland.
