02 februari 2011

Ahead of the Storm

A small update from Burrum Heads.
I've been slacking a little bit over the last two weeks, just enjoying the weather, the walks and friends visiting.
But now there's big news from australia. Like if there weren't enough floods and bushfires the last month, Hurricane Season has started and it's a big one heading this way. To the right you see the actual picture of today and it's about to hit at 11PM tonight.
Luckily for us, it'll hit the North of Queensland and not where we live.
For us it only means some rain and wind.
The next picture shows how big it really is, when you put this cyclone over Europe:

We'll just have to wait and see. Tomorrow I'll blog some more and tell about the last week, about Kat started her new job and doing really well, and about hikes, bikes and the weather. (I'll rename this to Chiels Weather Blog shortly)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Poeh, wat een extreem weer treft Australiƫ toch.
    We zijn heel blij dat jullie vooralsnog veilig zijn. Wat een opluchting!
    Liefs, Emmy

  2. hello chiel & kathryn!
    thank you for your extensive mail about australia and the people of queensland.
    and we saw the picture how big it really is when the cyclone put over europe!WOW............
    but you are safe,what a piece of luck!
    also for your parents here at neede.
    keep well and be happy.
    bye bye,greetings from piet & annette.
