22 juni 2011

10 Days on Fraser Island, day 6-10

Forest Walk
After the first 5 days the real exploration of the Island began. The area around Orchid beach was filled with mixed forest and lots of animals.
There were no set-out walking tracks around, so I just had to find my way around and back to the house, which I fortunately did.
From our house it was a nice hour beachwalk to Waddy Point, where you had a great view over a large part of the island, from Sandy Cape Lighthouse to Indian Head.
Situated between Waddy Point and Indian Head are the champagne pools.

Champagne Pools
On our big daytrip across the island, we first stopped at the pools. You access the champagne pools beach via wooden paths and the name becomes perfectly clear when you get to the bottom.  
The water crashes onto and over the natural formed volcanic rocks,  lands in the little pools and it bubbles up like champagne. The water is nice and warm and there are tropical fish swimming in the little pools. The aboriginal people on this island used these pools as natural fishtraps.
After we went to these pools we took a long drive over the 75 mile beach. (which, the more I think about it, has to be the only beach in the world designated as both a highway and an airstrip)
After a long drive we arrived at central station.

Area around Central Station
Central Station was originally established as a forestry camp when there was still logging on Fraser Island, untill halfway through the 20th century. Right now it stand in the middle of rainforest. And the only place on this planet where rainforest grows on sand. This is where a lot of walking tracks on the island start and if I'm ever going back to Fraser Island, this is where I'll start, with a backpack, and walk across the island on the Great Walk.
There were massive trees, parts so thick with leaves that the sun couldn't get through and water so clear en cold you just had to drink it.

Lake McKenzie
Snake on the road
From Central Station we drove to Lake McKenzie, the most popular of the Fraser Island lakes. It has pure white beaches and nice clear water, so is a popular swimming place for tourists on Fraser. It is a 'perched' lake, which means it contains only rainwater, no groundwater, is not fed by streams and does not flow into the ocean. The sand here is white silica, which acts as a filter, making the water so pure it can support very little life. Although the green/blue water looked interesting and Kat really enjoyed it, I was wanting to go back to rainforest.
We didn't really stay long and were going on a journey across the island on roads that really did not seem to be meant for driving, seeing some great scenery and snakes on the way, when we arrived at Lake Allom.
Lake Allom
Lake Allom was absolutely amazing and really made the difficult trip there worth it. Lake Allom is known as Turtle Lake and is another perched lake, surrounded by Mellaluca trees, which gives it an unusual appearance. The water of Lake Allom was almost black and that was a result from the tannin of these trees.
Turtle looking at us.
Kat learned from an ex-ranger that you could lure the Kreffs River Turtles living in the lake to the shore side by clapping in your hands which we of course tried. And behold, 2 minutes later we were surrounded by these beautiful creatures, sticking their heads up to look at us.
The serenity, tranquillity and beauty of Lake Allom made a big impression on me and I can advise anyone going to Fraser Island to check it out.
After Lake Allom it was time to head home after a nice day of exploration.
The next couple of days I filled with a few walks around our house, to Waddy Point and back, some more fishing and birdwatching and all in all it was an amazing holiday on a great island.
Here are a few more pictures we took on Fraser Island to give you an even better inpression:
Mixed Forest

Pingo (or Lingo) the Dingo

The Maheno shipwreck

Elks in the Rainforest Trees

Kat and Tree

Lake McKenzie

Huge Snake

Lake Allom

More Lake Allom

Waddy Point

View from Waddy Point (after big climb)

Indian Head

Rainforest Creek

More Big Trees


Our Porch

Airstrip on the Highway on the Beach

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Lieve Chiel, ik ben jaloers! Wat een prachtig vakantie-oord. Ik kan me heel goed voorstellen dat je dit niet had willen missen en graag nog eens terug komt. Neem je dan je moeder mee?
    Liefs, Emmy

  2. Dag Chiel, ik heb je een bericht gestuurd via gmail
    hennig an , Matthijs
