31 maart 2011

Long Overdue

Yes, I know this update is long overdue. The reason is unfortunately really simple: Not much has happened to me in the last 1.5 month.
It's quiet here and I have great difficulty finding a job. Hervey Bay and Fraser Coast have the highest unemployment rate of Queensland. There is also no seasonal work available at the moment so I don't have much to do, and without income, outings are off the table as well.

So an average day for me exists of computer, walking, reading, listening to music and doing Sudoku's. The weather has changed over the last couple of days and the temperature dropped down to around 25 degrees, which I like much better then the 32 it was.

Next Thursday I'm having another appointment with Sarina Russo, a job agency. I hope there will be a job available in the area, but now I'm also looking at working in the mines. The pay is really good, so maybe that will be an option. The only downside will be that I will be away for weeks and then home for a bit. So the first pay will go to a laptop of my own, so I can keep in contact.

The last thing that happened was yesterday. Finally I saw my kangaroos. And now I know why I haven't seen any around, they're all living in Toogoom, about a 15 minute drive from here. I saw about 50 when we were driving though on the bus. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me (sorry Roger) but next time I will.

That's all, but I hope I have more to tell next time.